October was a rough month... The school days got monotonous, boring, and long. Every day was the same thing and we were starting to get short and grumpy with each other which made the days longer... Ugh!! The 4th week we took math out since that was causing the most trouble and the next week was supposed to be a short week anyways so we only did math and music... We all relaxed and I started the full week of November with some changes (but I'll tell you all about it next month, if it works!! lol) Soccer finished up this month... Both boys had their end of season tournaments and both won!! Woohoo!! Unfortunately Wyatt's last tournament with both teams got cancelled so that was it... We are sad to be done with soccer, though it's nice to have evenings free. We definitely think State League for Wyatt was a great idea. He loved his team and learned many new soccer skills!! We all loved it... Other fun things? Wyatt went on his first ever Cub Scout fall camp out!! LOL He's always had a soccer game and this is the first year he could go :) Austin, however, had a soccer game! HAHA We did some fun fall things, like going to Garden Gate with friends, carving pumpkins, and a fun painting evening. And of course we had to celebrate AUSTIN'S 11th BIRTHDAY!!!! We took him out for a steak dinner and then carved pumpkins and had cake another evening. I can't believe he is that old, it just seems crazy!!

The boys used their hand prints for this. I know it's normally done by smaller kids, so I got a big canvas!!
I love that we all read our books during lunch...
Wyatt swinging at Garden Gate and showing the pumpkin he decorated there...
Austin swinging and showing us his pumpkin.
The boys with their trophies after winning the AYSA tournaments (Wyatt U10 and Austin U11)
Austin sitting on the saddle at Texas Roadhouse while we all sang him Happy Birthday!!
With their carved pumpkins...
Hours for the month- Austin at 159 (bringing his total to 417) and Wyatt at 165 (bringing his total to 428). Books read: The Perilous Road, Lincoln: A Photo Biography, The Great Turkey Walk and Usborne's Electricity and Magnetism for Sonlight. They read some fun fluffy books from the library and we listened to 39 Clues books 7-10.
I guess for a month that I felt was worthless we got quite a bit done!! That's why I love typing this all out. It helps me keep record but it also shows me we are accomplishing something!!