Thursday, May 30, 2013


I don't know about anyone else but the end of the school year was torture for us!!  We BARELY scrapped through...  Lol  But, we're done.  Gotta be honest, we didn't do the last 6 lessons of First Language Lessons, or the last week of Sonlight, or the last week of Wordly Wise, but I really don't care!!

What did we do in May?  Well we played a ton of soccer, the boys had several games between the 2 of them and Austin had a tournament where Wyatt played as well.  Austin scored his first goal and Wyatt played some wicked defense against kids 2 feet taller than him!!

Austin carrying the ball

Wyatt playing defense

We went to the Ohio Historical Society with some friends

Mom, take my picture with the zombie!!

I'm going to drive one of these some day!!

We also had scouts, Mother's Day, Memorial Day parade with scouts, played a round of golf, went putt putting, finished Awanas and ate lots of ice cream :)

Books read: Brucko, The Seventeenth Swap (a favorite!), and In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson.  They also read some fluffy books from the library, and we listened to James Patterson's Middle School book  on cd.  We've also listened to half of the Hobbit.

Hours: Both 125.  That brings them up to Austin 1287 and Wyatt up to 1303.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

April Showers bring crankiness...

For heaven's sake, are we done yet?  AHHHH!!!!

That was pretty much the feeling of April.  We're tired, bored, annoyed with each other.  We are done!  But, we're not...  The end is in sight though!!

This was a pretty unremarkable month.  Reese, soccer, indoor soccer, church, and school.  I really can't even say we did anything fun, no wonder we were bored and annoyed with each other!!  We did go to a Crew game, which was really cool because the scoreboard caught on fire :)  Apparently there was a wiring problem in the speakers.  It was neat to see the fire trucks come and put it out!!  The game played on, just with no speakers or board, and we won 3-0!

April was a wet, cold month.  To cure the crankies some days they just went out and played soccer.  Looking out one day this is what I saw!!  I could have gotten mad, but why?

Books read: Usborne's The World Wars (this book took several months and was wonderful.  We were all sad when we got to the end!!), The Winged Watchman, Gone Away Lake and Thimble Summer.  I am done with real alouds.  I can't stand the sound of my own voice anymore, and they aren't really listening anymore!!  We also quit science and are doing health now...

Hours for the month: Austin 149, Wyatt 144
Totals for the year: Austin 1162, Wyatt 1178