OK, so the biggest homeschooling myth I can bust now...
"Homeschoolers never leave their house and the kids don't know what the outside world is." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA We're NEVER home!! The boys can do their math in the car, at the Drs office, at Kokosing.... Never leave their house...
November as a whole was not much better than October :( Ugh. Between drs appointments, the boys tonsil removal and Thanksgiving we only had about 90 hours this month :( Oh well. I've had a couple people tell me that some people take all of December off and now I know why!!! It's just so stinkin' busy!! But, I already have my lesson plans wrote out through the 9th, and it would take too much effort to erase, so we're going to keep on keeping on. I think after that we'll just do reading and math. We're not going to get all the science and history I have written to do done anyways so we can use that time to catch up so we can start fresh in January.
We didn't have a whole lot of extracurriculars this month, which was SO NICE!!!! Scouts was about it and we had a community dinner we volunteered at and the Mt Vernon Christmas parade.
Books we read this month were Walking the World's Rim, Pedro's Journal and Ok-Nas-Toe, all with the Sonlight curriculum we started this month. The boys really enjoyed these books and I know more about Indians in the one I read than I ever knew!!
Hours for the month- 95, so Wyatt's at 425 and Austin's at 411. Almost half way to to the total hours we need at the end of November!! This is pretty easy peesy!!!
This is what I made to give to the people who bought popcorn from us... I love my scrapbook software!!
The boys' thankful trees :)