Welp, we did it. We made it through. I am aware that tonsillectomy's are pretty routine, but those were still my babies!! Ugh. We got to the Ohio Surgery Center a little early this morning because traffic was lighter than expected and were happy to sit with our good friend Skyler for a few minutes before his daughter went back for a procedure. The boys were still very OK at this point. Then they called us back and they put their gowns on and we watched cartoons, and the boys trash talked to each other "I'm going to eat more popsicles than you" "You're going to cry more than me" "My tonsils are going to be bigger than yours"... Good grief... They sprayed scents in their face masks and Austin LOVED the watermelon in his (Wyatt has strawberry). He held it up to his face for the hour he waited!! LOL It was making us laugh! Wyatt was going first so they brought him his 'loopy' medicine and we were so bummed!! He didn't act funny or loopy at all :( So disappointing :( So they came to get him and wheeled him back and he was nervous but didn't cry which surprised me. They told me afterwards that he started crying before they put him to sleep (But more about Wyatt in a minute...). So then they came and gave Austin his 'loopy' medicine and it was slightly more entertaining- but not much. Honestly that was the part we were looking towards the most!! What a let down!! He did act a little funny but mostly it just relaxed him. Before Austin went back Dr Hart came in to let me know that Wyatt had done well, that when she went to do his turbinate reduction he was bleeding so much she ended up doing his septoplasty too (all to say she cauterized his nasal passages so he can breathe easier and then cauterized the blood vessels in the middle of his nose to stop nose bleeds). She took his tonsils out but his adenoids had already shrunk (?) so she didn't have to mess with those. So, they came and got Austin, who said "see you later" and Brian and I went to wait in the waiting room. I think it was 10 minutes and they called us to the consultation room where Dr Hart came to tell us that Austin's surgery went good as well. His adenoids had shrunk as well so she only had to remove his tonsils, which were HUGE she said. I guess that's good... While we were there a nurse came to tell Wyatt needed us immediately. So we go back to Wyatt who is screaming at the nurses to "leave me alone, let me sleep, stop touching me!!!!!" He was hitting them and screaming at them, it was terrible. He wasn't fully awake, his eyes weren't open, he was just raging!! Ugh!! He wanted me to hold him with my cheek touching his cheek and I wasn't allowed to move, and then he finally went back to deep sleep. Around then is when we started hearing Austin yelling and I looked at Brian and said "you've got to be kidding, both of them are going to be psycho?" He only yelled a couple times though, they wheeled him in with us and stayed awake and drank water and chewed ice and did great!! After 30 more minutes the nurse came and walked Austin who walked like a champ and then we moved to Wyatt. Again, he was screaming and hitting and would not open his eyes!! So the nurse still wanted to walk him, so we walked him and he fought us and still did not open his eyes- laid down went right back to sleep. A half hour after that we dressed him against his will, put him in the van and he slept the whole way home!! Finally woke up when we got off 71 and wanted a milk shake and has been fine since :) They are both very sore (obviously) and they are definitely not the troopers some kids are, but we're still proud of them :D

Wyatt after he got his 'non loopy' medicine :)
Austin feeling very relaxed...
Wyatt REFUSING to wake up... He loved his little bear he got :)
Austin mad cause I was blocking the TV :)
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