Monday, October 1, 2012

September in review

September was a busy and fun month for the Strong's!!  Soccer has been in full force and there were only a couple days with no games or practices.  Austin has done so wonderful with his team.  He is proof prayer works!!  After being bullied at school for a year he is pretty nervous around kids he doesn't know now but his team has just pulled him right in and his coach is wonderful for him!!  His team plays very well and is undefeated!!  Wyatt's CF team is doing great and is undefeated and his FSC team still needs to work on teamwork and needs to develop a drive and desire to win!!  Wyatt (and us) love his coach and team mates though and we love the club.  Awanas also started back up this month and the boys love being with their friends again.  School wise we really have a routine figured out.  It took us a few weeks to figure out how to do math since they are using the same book but we've got it now.  I was also unimpressed with the English and have ordered First Language Lessons to use (which is what we used last year).  I will be happy when that comes in, though we will have to push to get caught up since we're already on week 6 of school.

Highlights of the month:

- A couple Columbus Crew games, including a homeschool Tech Day at the stadium and The Ohio Village and Historical Society.

- The Tomato Show parade with Cub Scouts followed by the Cub Mobile races.

- The disappointing Renaissance Festival with Auntie Jill

- A day at the Works with a good friend
- Meet You At The Pole prayer time with our homeschool friends at Berean Baptist.

- A fun evening up at Grace Church seeing Tim Hawkins.

Hours for the month are Wyatt: 124 and Austin: 122 bringing the total to Austin: 258 and Wyatt: 263
Books read for the month Diary of an Early American Boy (AWESOME!!), Freedom Train and some fun books.  We have also listened to 39 Clues books 4-6.  We would have listened to more but I couldn't get to the library one week to pick up new ones...

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